"The very best youth in the world!"
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COGS is under the covering of New Covenant Ministries International.
| | Thursday, July 14, 2011

If you've been around church for any length of time you would have picked up on the word "baptism". The first time I was witness to one of these incredible moments at COGS was when we all moved through after an evening service to what I thought was the Killball Hall, when the floor in the corner opened up and revealed a swimming pool for midgets (or a bath for giants). In light of all this and to clear up a few myths and preonceptions, here's a quick blog explaining the basic ins and outs of baptism and why you should do it!

1. Jesus did it (Matthew.3:13-17)-
Jesus did it, it must be good enough for us then!

2. The bible says we must (Matthew.28:19)

What is baptism?

Baptism essentially is a symbolic act of what God has done on the inside.
-It's a chance to show all your friends and family the decision you've made in your heart
-It represents what Jesus did (going under the water=death/ coming up= resurrection)
-As you go under the water you are saying "I am dead to myself" and when you come up you are saying "I'm alive to Jesus"

When we baptise people, it's also a great time for people to pray for you and prophesy over you. Everyone always leaves baptisms feeling really encouraged!

What do you need to do:

1. Make sure you have given your heart to Jesus (baptism follows repentance)
2. Ask your parents if they're ok with it and if they want to be there to share in the great moment with you
3. Chat to your cell leader (or Paul) and we will organise the date

Simple. But oh so amazing!

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